Fibre Glass Filament Wound Products

A  Bond-Strands  Private  Limited  has been a pioneer  in the manufacture of glass fibre  Filament  wound products  and  pipes  for  more than  two decade Filament winding  is a precision winding method with which almost any  form   and  dimension  can  be  made   from   resin   impregnated Filaments  of glassfibre.  (Originated  from  the  rocket  tcchnology  and development of the space programme, there method finds entry m increasing measure in 111,rny fields of engineering and  technology) A-Bond  strands private  Limited  with its expertise in  FRP  technology  also develop  products  to  meet  customers  specific  needs   We  welcome undertaking development  of even  conjunction with  the customer and ::im prepared  to design, develop  and supply  equipment  to  meet  customers  specific


Product Enquiry


A  Bond-Strands  Private  Limited  has been a pioneer  in the manufacture of glass fibre  Filament  wound products  and  pipes  for  more than  two decade Filament winding  is a precision winding method with which almost any  form   and  dimension  can  be  made   from   resin   impregnated Filaments  of glassfibre.  (Originated  from  the  rocket  tcchnology  and development of the space programme, there method finds entry m increasing measure in 111,rny fields of engineering and  technology) A-Bond  strands private  Limited  with its expertise in  FRP  technology  also develop  products  to  meet  customers  specific  needs   We  welcome undertaking development  of even  conjunction with  the customer and ::im prepared  to design, develop  and supply  equipment  to  meet  customers  specific